2025 Annual Meeting of the Members
The Annual Meeting of the Membership of 1st University Credit Union is scheduled for Monday, March 24, 2025 at 6:00 pm (CST).
It will be held at the 1st University Credit Union office located at 24 La Salle Avenue, Waco, Texas 76706.
attend the annual meeting for multiple chances to win Prizes.
Election of Board Members
The Nomination Committee, appointed by the Board of Directors of 1st University Credit Union, has submitted the names of Adonna Cook and Elizabeth Wallace to fill the positions expiring on the Board for the 2025 term. The members of the Nomination Committee are Stan Denman, Pearl Beverly, Elizabeth Wallace, and Randy Wood.
Adonna Cook is retired from the Chemistry/BioChemistry Department at Baylor and has been a member of the credit union since 1981. She has served on the Board of Directors since 2019.
Elizabeth Wallace, an accomplished leader with a strong background in community engagement and education, has been a member of 1st University Credit Union since 1997. She became an Associate Board Member in 2023 and a Board Member in 2024, filling the seat vacated by Sean McMahon.
The 1st University Credit Union Bylaws state that there will be no nominations entertained from the floor at the time of the Annual Meeting. Nominations by petition were accepted by the Nominating Committee if submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 3, 2025. No nominations were received.
Nominating Procedure
If you wish to nominate yourself or another member: AFTER January 1, 2025, you may pick up an official Nominating Petition and a Director Application and Agreement To Serve at the 1st University Credit Union office located at 24 LaSalle Ave., Unit C, Waco, Texas 76706. To be valid, the petition must be signed by at least twenty (20) 1st University Credit Union members in good standing (not including the nominee). Each signatory must also provide their current email address and phone number. The Nominating Petition and the Director Application and Willingness to Serve Agreement must be received by the Credit Union NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M. ON FEBRUARY 3, 2025.
1st University Credit Union
24 LaSalle Ave., Unit C
Waco, Texas 76706