Personal Loans

Personal Loan Special

Pay down your high-interest credit card debt.

Borrow up to $2000 at an annual percentage rate as low as 7.25% with a repayment term of 12 months. And, if you wish, we’ll defer your first payment up to 60 days. Opportunity ends on January 31, 2025.


A sample payment for this Personal Loan is $175 per month when borrowing $2000 at 7.25% APR* with a 12 month term.

Unsecured Loans

An unsecured loan from 1st University Credit Union can help with your loan needs, whatever they may be.

You can use an unsecured loan to consolidate debt, finance a vacation, or cover holiday expenses. These loans can also help you pay for medical emergencies and other unexpected events. Personal loans from 1st University Credit Union comes with low interest rates, fast processing, and convenient repayment terms, as well as efficient, personalized service.

Please contact us for more information or click here for a loan application.

Click here for our loan calculators.

Savings Secured Loans

With a 1st University Credit Union share secured loan, your deposit in a 1st University Credit Union share savings account or savings certificate serves as collateral to secure your loan. Share secured loans carry our most attractive interest rates, and you'll even continue to earn dividends on your savings!

Please contact us for more information or click here for a loan application.

Personal Loan Rates

Type Term APR* as low as
Unsecured 1-24 months 9.25%
-- 25-36 months 10.25%
-- 37-60 months 10.25%
Type Term APR* as low as
Savings Secured 1-36 months 3.50%
Type Term APR* as low as
Savings / Certificate Secured - 100% of Certificate Value 1-60 months 1.5% above certificate rate, with a minimum of 3.50%

Rates and terms are effective January 2023, subject to change, and are based on credit qualification.

All Loan Rates