Savings Rates

Savings Accounts¹

Rates current as of 4/1/2023

Tier Balance APY**
$100 - $4,999 0.001%
$5,000 - $9,999 0.005%
$10,000 - $9,999,999.98 0.025%
$9,999,999.99+ 0.035%

Certificate of Deposit²

Rates current as of 2/1/2024

Term Minimum Deposit Amount Dividend Rate APY**
6 Month $1,000 2.25% 2.25%
12 Month $1,000 2.25% 2.25%
18 Month $1,000 2.00% 2.018%
24 Month $1,000 2.00% 2.018%
36 Month $1,000 2.00% 2.018%
48 Month $1,000 2.00% 2.018%
60 Month $1,000 2.00% 2.018%

Money Market Account⁴

Rates current as of 5/1/2023

Tier Balance APY**
$1,500 - $4,999 0.001%
$5,000 - $39,999 0.10%
$40,000+ 0.50%

All rates are subject to change without notice.
1: Rates are anticipated and declared by the Board of Directors. Rates are paid quarterly based on earnings.
2: Actual certificate rate and APY will be based on the dividend rate in effect on the date of the deposit. Dividend rates are fixed unless otherwise stated. The annual percentage yield (APY) assumes monthly compounding. The annual percentage yield assumes that dividends remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal of dividends will reduce earnings. Published dividend rates and annual percentage yields (APY) are subject to change daily. Fees may reduce earnings.
3: New money required (money that is not currently on deposit with 1st University Credit Union).
4: A monthly fee of $10.00 will be charged if the account balance drops below $2,500.00 anytime during the month. Fees may reduce earnings.